Its certainly crucial, in order to make Any marketing spend effective that your brand and goods positioning are certainly spot on. Now is the time to revisit and finetune your proposition!
Here's what I mean. How often have you sat in a meeting where the goods has been described as a list of things that it will do - its features and functionality? You may have done this yourself - it's a very easy habit to slip into.
While this data is certainly important, and your customers will need the spec, your goods proposition needs to be Very clear in respect to why it should motion to a prospective customer. You need to apply the "So What?" test.
Let me give you an example:
"Our new patented active Pa law has a frequency range of 100Hz to 10kHz, is rated at 1000 watts Rms and weighs only 10lbs per speaker"
"Ok - So What?"
Instead, how about....
"Many travelling professional musicians need high ability Pa tool that they are familiar with and trust. "Equipment at venues is of variable ability which means that musicians tend to take their own gear which up to now has been based on bulky, heavy, former technology or they make do with the venue's gear and suffer the inherent consequences to their reputation.
"Our new, patented active Pa law has high power and superb clarity, performing at least as good as Brand X (the benchmark competitor). "But weighing in at only 10lbs per speaker means that the whole law can be carried in a small bag in the back of a saloon car rather than a van."
So not only have you just defined how your goods solves real pain felt in your target market, you have given yourself some crucial pointers as to who to target and what messages will motion to them.
Start by identifying the target customer - in this case traveling musicians - and define their pain. Ensue this statement with a clear affirmation of how your goods or service solves that pain and hey - you've just created a positioning statement.
Really take time to get this right - test it on friends in the company - a allowable goods positioning statement is leading because this statement will drive all you do to store and sell your product. It defines the type of habitancy you need to reach without wasting a drop of your marketing budget on habitancy who will Never buy your product.
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